Wednesday, January 17, 2007

A Slam on the iPhone

this guy apparently has issues with Steve Jobs--

link =1

So yesterday at MacWorld, Steve Jobs announced the highly anticipated iPhone. It's a slick looking cell phone/iPod combo with some cool looking software, but that's really all it is. That didn't stop Jobs from talking about it like he went into the future and stole a Star Trek communicator from some homo in a jumpsuit. To be honest, I like Apple. I just can't stand Steve Jobs. He's a pompous asshole. A great businessman, but an asshole. Only an asshole could get on stage and claim that a product that is essentially the same as the PDA phones that have been around for four years is "revolutionary." I'm not saying the iPhone won't sell. Shit, Night at the Museum has been the number one movie for three weeks. Nothing surprises me anymore.

So what's wrong with the iPhone? First of all, iCan't stand the fucking iNames. iLife, iTunes, iPhoto, iDVD, iPod... Enough. It was kinda gay in 1997 when the iMac came out. Now it's got a cock so deep in its throat that if it was allergic to nuts, it'd have horrible rash on its chin.

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